Keeping Parents Informed - Charter Transparency » Nutrition Resources and Support

Nutrition Resources and Support

Value Schools is committed to providing school environments that promote and protect children’s health, well-being, and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and physical activity. Value Schools believes that for students to achieve personal, academic, developmental and social success, they need positive, safe and health-promoting learning environments at every level, in every setting, throughout the school year.

Research shows that good nutrition and physical activity before, during and after the school day are strongly correlated with positive student outcomes. For example, the School Breakfast Program is associated with higher grades and standardized test scores, lower absenteeism, and better performance on cognitive tasks. Conversely, inadequate consumption of specific foods including fruits, vegetables and dairy products is associated with lower grades among students. Students also perform better academically when physically active during recess, physical activity breaks, high-quality physical education, and extracurricular activities. Finally, there is evidence that adequate hydration is associated with better cognitive performance.

Value Schools will inform families and the public about our Health and Wellness Policy each year, and is excited to share the Value Schools Nutrition News Letter each month. 

Food and Research & Action Center Research Brief: Breakfast for Learning
(English) (Español)

Triannual Assessment Summary - Evalucion Trianual 
Central City - (English) (Español)
Downtown - (English) (Español)
Everest - (English) (Español)
University Prep - (English) (Español)

Eligibility Letter - Carta De Elegibilidad
(English & Español)

Discount on Internet Services - Discuento en Servicios de Internet
(English) (Español)

Wellness Policy - Politica de Bienestar
(English) (Español)

Bid Proposal for Food Service

Value Schools is now accepting bid proposals for Food Service Management Companies for the school year 2024-2025.  Please click here to see the details.  If you have any questions please contact Veronica Caballero by email at [email protected] or by phone at (213) 388-8676.  The deadline for bid proposals is May 8, 2024.